If your lifestyle and work is stressful, why not get a cup of herbal tea? 如果你的生活和工作充满压力,为什么不喝杯茶呢?
Whether you're losing weight or you simply want to have better health, herbal tea is good. 不管你是想减肥还是想改善健康状况,喝花草茶都是很好的。
Herbal tea can help your stomach digest the food easily by reducing the acids. 茶可以减少胃酸使食物更容易消化。
Switch to a cup of herbal tea whenever you usually have a cigarette. 请把你通常的吸烟时间换成品尝凉茶的时间。
If you find water too plain for drinking, herbal tea is a good substitute. 如果你发觉白开水喝起来味淡而无味,那么花草茶则是一个很好的替代品。
Believe it or not, herbal tea can cure heart ailments, stroke and even prevent certain cancers! 信不信由你,花草茶是能够治疗心脏疾病,中风甚至能够预防某些癌症。
Soothing beverage Herbal tea or a glass of milk also relax the body and help you wind down. 舒缓的饮料花草茶或者一杯牛奶同样让你的身体得到放松,让你平静下来。
The standard black tea market is in decline mainly because people are putting different things, like green and herbal tea, into their baskets. 传统红茶市场的衰退主要因为人们做了不同的选择,把其他种类的茶加入了他们的购物篮,例如绿茶和花草茶。
In an attempt to improve your body odor, try eliminating or cutting down on alcohol and caffeinated beverages in favor of herbal tea. 如果试图改善你身体的气味,尽量消除或削减对酒精和含咖啡因的摄入。换成喝茶吧。
Instead of coffee or caffeinated soda, have some herbal tea before your interview. 在面试之前最好是喝一些花草茶,而非咖啡或者含有咖啡因的苏打汽水。
Herbal tea does not have the same antioxidant properties, though it is still a great beverage choice with other health benefits, such as inducing calming and relaxing effects. 凉茶并不具有相同的抗氧化作用,但它仍是一个很好的选择因为它在其他方面可以给你身体提供很多好处,例如诱导镇静和舒缓神经效应。
Where would you purchase the Herbal Tea Series? 你会在那里购买鸿福堂的凉茶系列的饮品?
Herbal tea. It's the sick season again, hence drinking more is good. 凉茶。现在的气候容易导致人生病,所以多喝凉茶是好的。
Use a humidifier or take advantage of the steam rising from a cup of relaxing herbal tea. 所以用增湿器或利用一杯药草汤的挥发蒸汽加湿。
Have some herbal tea or a light snack before bedtime. 睡前喝些花草茶或是吃些轻食的点心。
The other factory I visited is a herbal tea factory. 我参观的另一间工厂是药茶厂。
The beverage range extends from coffee, cereal, tea, herbal tea can drinks and fruit flavoured drinks. 饮料范围从咖啡,谷类食品,茶叶,草药茶和水果味的饮料可以喝。
I was pregnant when I was drinking herbal tea. 我当时怀宝宝的时候我是喝凉茶。
Drink another glass of water with breakfast or a cup of herbal tea before setting off the day. 早餐的时候再喝一杯水,或者在你出门前喝一杯凉茶。
If u likes herbal tea, which of the following would u try? 如果你喜欢喝花草茶,那以下哪些品种你想尝试?
Each plant contains different constituents; they combine to give the herbal tea a unique taste and a range of actions. 和人一样,草本同样是由不同的部分组成,各部分能发挥不同的效用,并有其独特的味道和功能。
Not quite the substitute you were hoping for? Herbal tea was the other accepted alternative. 如果这不是你喜欢的替代品,也可以选择饮用花草茶。
Lunch-think of soup or have a glass of water before your meal, or perhaps a herbal tea. 中午。考虑喝点汤或者一杯水在吃中午饭之前,一杯凉茶也可以。
Do you want coffee or tea? Do you want herbal tea? 您想要咖啡还是茶?要草药茶吗?
What do you think about the pricing of Herbal Tea Series? 你觉得鸿福堂的凉茶系列的饮品价格如何?
You can see the herbal tea shop and herbal tea products everywhere. 到处都可以看到凉茶店和凉茶系列产品。
We discussed the merits of drinking herbal tea instead of coffee. 我们讨论的是不喝咖啡而喝药茶的好处。
I like herbal tea and Deepak Chopra and people who come back to work. 我要点茶,点心和那个回来工作的家伙。